Contact Me

If you have something to say, be it a suggestion for the blog, a criticism or even a compliment, then there are numerous ways you can get in touch.

If you have an opinion on a specific blog post, then feel free to comment that post and I will get back to you. I receive e-mail notifications every time someone leaves me a comment, and I consider all posts to still be "active" regardless of when they were posted.

If you have a personal query, then you can e-mail me at Odysseus (dot) Strain (at) gmail (dot) com

Note: My e-mail address is laid out like that so that spam bots cannot pick me up from this page and flood my inbox with shite.

Feel free to add me on Xbox Live, but please send a message explaining where you have got my tag. If you want to boost anything, then let me know about that as well.

I check my e-mails daily and I like to hear from people, so if you get in touch you can expect a reply as soon as I have time (which is usually the same day).

Have fun,

-Odysseus Strain